Articles for sale

Make Your Hi-Fi Sound Like High-End: All The Tricks In The Book

As both an engineer and an audiophile, I have struggled at times with the fact that every component sounds slightly different, even if they all measure the same with conventional methods. If you are just beginning on your audio journey or if you are a seasoned audiophile, there is something for everyone to discover, rediscover and be amazed again at the marvelous sounds you will uncover from your sound system.

Audiophile Handbook: Your Perfect High-End System

AUDIOPHILE HANDBOOK offers a look into the fascinating and growing world of high-end electronics and sound reproduction. The different chapters guides the reader into hidden secrets of the trade, demystifies some popular beliefs and offers tips and hacks along with a practical buyer's guide. The revised second edition now includes two additional chapters.

Small, Large & Satellite Speakers: The Definitive Loudspeaker Guide

Whether you are shopping for a new pair of speakers, looking to embark on a journey of building your own speakers or if you simply want to know everything there is to know about drivers, crossovers and speakers in general; this is the book for you.


20 years of experience working with high-end audio, making the good sound better and the excellent sound magical. It's not magic, it's science.


Specializing in highly skilled repair and upgrade of high-end electronic components.

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